"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." -Aristotle

  • Every student can learn and it is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to meet the needs of each student to create a positive learning environment where each student feels valued and capable of taking risks.
  • Each student needs hands-on, engaging instruction where they can make real-world connections to encourage them to grow into problem-solvers and life-long learners.
  • As teachers, we need to provide students with challenges that will allow them to believe that they are capable of doing difficult things.
  • In order to be effective in our teaching and learning and for students in the learning process, I believe collaboration and team-work are essential between students, teachers, and families.
  • As a classroom teacher, it is my duty to meet each child where they are at and empower them to continue to grow. I believe that each student deserves someone to believe in them and their goals, so they can reach their highest potential.
  • Each student brings something special to the classroom. I want to highlight every student's gifts, talents, achievements, and interests. I believe this provides them with the self-motivation to better themself and see themselves as a valuable member of our class family.


"The most successful classes are those where the teacher has a clear idea of what is expected from the students and the students know what the teacher expects from them." - Harry Wong

2a. Respect & Rapport

  • Teacher and students should establish mutual respect between each other.
  • Students' unique cultures, backgrounds, and interests will be celebrated within the classroom & taken into consideration when planning for instruction.
  • Relationships between students, teachers, and families are vital for creating a positive classroom culture

2b. Culture for Learning

  • Students deserve a positive classroom environment where they feel safe & respected.
  • Creating a growth mindset is critical for instilling the value of being a life-long learner. Allowing my students to know that mistakes are part of the learning process is a culture I want to build within our class.
  • Students will take ownership of their learning by understanding each student learns in unique ways.

2c. Classroom Procedures

  • Creating clear and consistent expectations for students that express how I would like for them to interact with each other. 
  • Establishing classroom procedures and norms that explain how to do things within the classroom setting and promote accountability.
  • Clear, constructive feedback given to students in addition to positive feedback.

2d. Managing Student Behaviors

  • Implement systems that offer students consistency and clear expectations.
  • Focusing on the behavior rather than letting the behavior define the student. 
  • Reassure to students that each day is a new day.
  • Developing classroom and personal goals for students to work toward.

2e. Organizing Physical Space

  • Providing students with multiple seating options to allow movement and flexibility to best aid their learning.
  • Organizing classroom furniture to allow ease in the flow of movement and access to materials.
  • Creating a space in which the students can take ownership in. Through classroom decorations and displays, I want my students to know that it is their classroom just as much as mine. 

For more information about my classroom management philosophy, use the link below:

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