"The Effects of STEM-based Strategies on Mathematical Proficiency in Statistics & Probability"
- Intervention included two classes, 52 participants total
- Student participants had diverse educational needs & interests
- Overall trend of below grade-level proficiency in statistics & probability based on beginning & middle of the year MAP data
The purpose of this intervention is to investigate the effects of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) integrated activities on mathematical achievement in a sixth-grade classroom. Students participated in STEM activities that relate to aligned with a unit of study about Human Impact within the science curriculum. In these activities, students engaged in data collection and learned about statistical concepts outlined in the Arkansas Academic Standards.
Through an eight-week intervention, STEM-based strategies were found to have a positive and statistically significant difference on students' mathematical proficiency in statistics and probability within a sixth-grade classroom. Students of various readiness levels demonstrated growth. This included a large population of students receiving gifted & talented services as well as a student who receives RTI-academic services.

Week 1, 2, & 3: Water Pollution
- AR.Math.Content.6.SP.B.4
- STEM Challenge:BP Oil Spill
Week 4: Air Pollution
- AR.Math.Content.6.SP.A.3
- STEM Challenge:Air Pollution Monitors
Week 5 & 6: Energy Consumption
- AR.Math.Content.6.SP.B.4
- STEM Challenge: Solutionville Energy Plan
Week 7 & 8: Textile & Goods Consumption
- AR.Math.Content.6.SP.A.3
- STEM Challenge: Animal Shelter Service Project